NM Legal Aid / Law Help New Mexico ※ 1-866-416-1922
Helps low income families secure and maintain public benefits, affordable housing, safety for domestic violence victims and their children and protection from consumer fraud. Services include a statewide legal helpline, outreach, education and pro se clinics.
NM Center on Law and Poverty ※ 505-255-2840
Legal services to improve living conditions. increase opportunities, and protect the rights of low-income New Mexicans. The Center provides advocacy, education and litigation across a broad range of issues including healthcare, public benefits. housing, fair lending, workers' rights and public education.
Pegasus Legal Services for Children ※ 505-244-1101
Services to at-risk children and youth including guardianship, homelessness, education, and teen parents.
Disability Rights NM ※ 505-256-3100
Individual and systemic advocacy for persons with disabilities to resolve disability rights and problems; advocacy and training to promote, protect and expand the rights of persons with disabilities.
United South Broadway Fair Lending Center ※ 505-764-8867
Direct legal representation and educational workshops for homeowners at risk of losing their homes to foreclosure. Consumer education and advocacy on fair housing and fair lending issues.
Catholic Charities Center for Immigration and Citizenship Legal Assistance ※ 505-724-4600
Low-cost immigration legal services, including family-based petitions, DACA and citizenship.
Catholic Charities Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Survivor Immigration Services ※ 505-724-4649
Free representation for immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and child sexual abuse in the Albuquerque Metro area.
Catholic Charities of Southern New Mexico ※ 575-527-0500
Full service bilingual provider of immigration legal services including asylum cases, defense of deportation. family based petitions, DACA and citizenship. NMJLC charges modest fees for legal services and many clients qualify for pro-bono assistance. Provides services in IO southern counties.
NM Immigrant Law Center ※ 505-247-1023
Legal assistance to asylum seekers. unaccompanied minors, and low-income immigrants facing separation due to deportation.
VA Homeless Programs ※ 1-877-424-3838
Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness—and their family members, friends and supporters—can make the call to or chat online with the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans, where trained counselors are ready to talk confidentially 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
National Coalition for Homeless Veterans ※ 202-546-1969
The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans (NCHV) is the leading authority on homeless veterans’ issues and the only national organization solely focused on ending veteran homelessness. We work to achieve our mission by promoting collaboration, shaping policy, building service capacity, ensuring accountability, and managing a referral helpline for veterans experiencing and at-risk of homelessness.
HUD-VASH ※ 1-800-698-2411
HUD-VASH is a collaborative program which pairs HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance with VA case management and supportive services for homeless Veterans. These services are designed to help homeless Veterans and their families find and sustain permanent housing and access the health care, mental health treatment, substance use counseling, and other supports necessary to help them in their recovery process and with their ability to maintain housing in the community.
Emergency Housing ※ 1-800-444-6880 ※ Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) Emergency Housing
Help with Utility Bills ※ 1-888-523-0051
Coronavirus Health Hotline ※ 1-855-600-3453 ※ Health related questions about the Coronavirus.
Crisis and Access Hotline ※ 1-855-662-7474 ※ Emotional Crisis, Mental Health, or Substance Abuse
Crisis Text Line ※ Text HOME to 741741
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ※ 988 or 1-800-273-8255
Help with Childcare ※ 1-800-691-9067
Trans Lifeline ※ 1-877-565-8860 (for the transgender community)
The Trevor Project ※ 1-866-488-7386 (for LGBTQ youth)
Veterans Crisis Line ※ 988, Press 1 or 1-800-273-8255, Press 1
Food for school-age children ※ 1-505-827-6683
Seniors who need groceries ※ 1-800-432-2080
SNAP Benefits ※ 1-800-283-4465
WIC Questions on food or formula availability ※ 1-505-469-0929
WIC General Questions ※ 1-866-867-3124
WIC Operations Manager ※ 1-505-819-7028