Promoting rental assistance that will preserve tenancy, prevent eviction, and fairly compensate the owner, landlord, or management.
Keeping Folks in their Homes & Fairly Compensating Landlords.
The rental assistance emergency funds were provided by the Federal Government to help renters during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to funds being exhausted NM Eviction Prevention and Diversion Program, temporarily closed June 30, 2023.
We are happy to announce we will be collaborating with the County of Santa Fe to offer Rental Assistance and Eviction Prevention Assistance to the families of Santa Fe County. People who have received a court summons or a Eviction papers from the the court or their landlord will have priority. The city of Santa Fe and the Santa Fe Teen Center will soon be hosting NMEPD for in person assistance. Please check our website for updates.
If you are not in court and have only received a 3-day or 30-day notice from your landlord:
visit our list of resources here.
If you are currently in eviction court or have a court summons for eviction, please click here.
If you need to obtain your court information, please call the New Mexico Judiciary Customer Service Unit (CSU) at 855-268-7804. They can assist people in English and Spanish. They are open Monday-Friday 7:00 am -7:00 pm and 9:00 am-1:00 pm Saturdays. New Mexico’s judiciary has the Customer Service Unit (CSU) to answer questions and provide people assistance with navigating the judicial system.